Behind every great idea that we see in the world, there is a concept that went through rigorous refining. This is certainly true when it comes to apps. Applications, the nifty little boxes we can touch with a finger on a smartphone or tablet to open up a product, a portal to social media, or a fun game to play, do not just easily appear there.

Before they are ready to be downloaded and installed from the iOS or Android store, apps go through many stages of designing. From the initial idea being thought up, apps then have to be brainstormed, discussed, and refined until they are ready to get under production.

Refining an app idea can essentially make or break it. With over one million apps available, it is vital to have something about your app stand out. The only way to get to this part is to have it refined to the point of perfection. The overall objective of refining an app is to be able to explain it in one simple sentence. If you can’t do this, you need to keep refining away.

The more that an app is refined, the easier it is to use. An app that is simple to explain, and simple to understand is far more likely to go viral than something that is complex. Success exists in simplicity.

An important part of refining the concept is being able to write the technical specifications of the app. After all, this is the basis for the language behind the app idea and are what will bring the concept to life.

The technical specification of an app involves an important document that lays the groundwork for the app to built upon. It contains information such the requirements that are needed for the product to succeed. It is comparable to the architectural blueprint of a house or building. It can be thought of as the basic instructions for how the app will be built.

Now, if you try to make a technical specification from the initial app idea, it is going to be messy and complicated. This is why refining the app to the point of total simplicity and that one sentence explanation will make the app so much easier to make.

In refining the concept of an app and writing the technical specifications, these are some things that need to be addressed:

  • Introduction of the idea and objective
  • Description of the characteristics and requirements
  • Specific requirements of the software needed
  • A table of contents, index, and appendices of supporting information
  • Any concerns, queries, or doubts included for critical discussion